Invitation to join the International Institute of Bio-Orgonomy (I.I.B.O) community

Spreading wellness through therapy and care, giving and adding meaning to people's lives

Online Bio-Orgonomy Certification Course

Bio-Orgonomy therapy encompasses all areas of life. It enables us to identify causes of diseases, emotional difficulties, and allows rapid and meaningful healing. 

Bio-Orgonomy is a unique and simple technique, being used to identify AND treat  
emotional and physical conditions,  that is easy to learn and be applied in all areas of life.


Online Bio- Orgonomy
Therapy Course
Level 1 + Level 2 

 Introductory price $2970

64 Live zoom hours

Studying Bio-Orgonomy Online

The certification course is comprised of Bio-Orgonomy Level 1 and Bio-Orgonomy Level 2 courses. It offers a holistic learning experience which will contribute to your development as a therapist, and will enable you to grow in the field of Bio-Orgonomy. The course is facillitated by Mrs. Nogy Gazit via Zoom.

To qualify as a certified master Bio-Orgonomy therapist you must complete The full training course >>>


Level 1
starts on 2nd May, 2022.
8 lessons
Mondays and Thursdays  18:00 – 22:00 (Israel standard time).

Level 2
starts on 6nd June, 2022.
8 lessons
Mondays and Thursdays  18:00 – 22:00 (Israel standard time).

Bio-Orgonomy Level 1,   Basic Course:
We will learn how to use blinking  to identify energy and energy blockages in ourselves  and others. We will be able to understand the cause for the blockage. We will learn how to treat the cause by  directing  energy to and how to remove blockagess which hinder the flow of energy and compromise our health, happiness and succcess.

Bio-Orgonomy Level 2, Holistic Toolbox Course:
We will learn in-depth techniques and allow ourselves to bring virtuosity and playfulness into our therapy.

We will acquire more than 25 energetic therapy tools which will allow us to apply more advanced and comprehensive treatment.
We will be able to get to the source of the problem simply and easily.

We will learn what reguires treating and how to conduct a thorough more comprehensive analysis to identify the emotional causes of different conditions.

We will practice the technique we have learned in Level 1 to understand and utilize it in our treatments.

From This Course You Will Receive

  1. Each course is inclusive of 8 Lessons (4-hours each lesson) facilitated by Mrs. Nogy Gazit via Zoom. 
  2. Each course includes 35 recorded lessons of varying durations to support the learning experience.  
  3. During the course, I.I.B.O (International Institute of  Bio-Orgonomy) representavtive will be assist you with any difficulty you might encounter. This is in addition to the support offered to you by Nogy Gazit. 
  4. Participants will receive 3 textbooks which will be sent by registered mail. The textbooks include all the relevant materials and treatment protocols and will support you in treating  yourself and others.

What will you receive

  1. Each part costs 1985 USD (payment plan is optional). נראה לי שזה לא המקום לתשלום וגם צריך לארגן את הסעיף הזה
  2. Discounted fee for full payment is advance  100 USD Customer referral bonus.
  3. What’sApp Support – You will be included in the I.I.B.O What’sApp Course  group – to take part of course discussions and questions.
  4. Facebook Support – Join the students Facebook group, where you will find additional new weekly content to support your learning process.

אני רוצה להיות מטפל ביואורגונומי
להשלמת ההרשמה יש למלא פרטים בטופס

נוגי גזית, מייסדת המכללה לביואורגונומי

Personal words from Nogy Gazit

“In 1995, a healer treated my daughter Noa. He was a well-known healer, and his work was miraculous.  . I looked at him thinking how privileged he was, to be able to help people in need of healing. I thought about how happy I would be if I had the same ability. How good it must feel to be of value to others and how fulfilling and special it must be   when people see you as someone who can help them in time of need. Back then, the world of therapy was light years away from  me.

My  long journey with Noa, seeking cure and ways to comfort her dis-ease , led me to finally find a holistic solution.  Bio-Orgonomy.. It been my life’s work since. Today it is nothing but a privilege for me to be able to teach others around the world what I have learnt, while constantly improving and updating the technique, all in loving memory of my late Noa. 

If you are looking for ways to help others, I invite you to join our growing Bio-Orgonomy community and I hope you will feel at home ..

I know that therapy is your calling. You strive to be more professional, meaningful and valuable to yourself, your friends, your children, your parents and your patients (existing and  future ones), whether you are a therapist or completely new to therapy, I’m here for you, to guide you on the path to help others.

How will Bio-Orgonomy benefit you

diagnostic tool

An effective and quick analysis tool which can be used anywhere, anytime and enables you to identify the source of physical or emotional difficulties without having to spend many years studying medicine or psychology. 

 Your internal personal consultant

Learn how to tap into your own internal consultant, available to you 24/7, with precise and beneficial answers. Have a dilemma? It will assist you with Yes / No answers to show you’re the best action fro YOU. 

Want to make a decision? Your internal consultant will help you see beyond your emotions, broaden your perspective and will direct you towards the best next step for you, moment by moment.

An internal consultant

An internal consultant who is with you 24/7 and gives you the best, most accurate answers.

Whenever you have doubts, the internal consultant will guide you.

Energy diagnosis

Your internal personal consultant.
Learn how to tap into your own internal consultant, available to you 24/7, with precise and beneficial answers. Have a dilemma? It will assist you with Yes / No answers to show you’re the best action fro YOU. 
Want to make a decision? Your internal consultant will help you see beyond your emotions, broaden your perspective and will direct you towards the best next step for you, moment by moment.


Bio-Orgonomy’s  immense capabilities  will  expand your perspective significantly, which  will enable  you to transcend emotions and negative feelings and it  will mostly increase your-self-confidence, knowing you have acquired the tools   to face any future challenges with ease..

When we allow life  to flow with ease, our life become an easy enjoyable ride.

Who studies Biorgonomy

תלמידים מספרים

הקורס כולל

ליאת מוצפי קצר 

ליאת מוצפי ארוך 

אנחנו רוצים לתת לבוגרים שלנו את הבמה ולספר לך על החוויה שלהם:

אנשים שמצאו את משרת החלומות שלהם,
אשה שעזרה לחברה בהריון עם היפוך התינוק ברחם,
אמא שהצילה את הבת שלה מהתקף פסיכוטי, שהשאיר גם את הפסיכיאטר חסר מילים,
טיפול בילדה שסבלה מפרכוסים,
הסרת מיומה ברחם ללא התערבות רפואית
– אלו רק חלק מהסיפורים שמגיעים אלינו (אותם אפשר לשמוע בווידאו בהמשך הדף) 

נוגי גזית, מייסדת המכללה לביואורגונומי

Nogy Gazit – Founder of International Institute of Bio-Orgonomy (I.I.B.O)

Sometimes the greatest gifts in life are disguised as challenges and difficulties.
I found Bio-Orgonomy amid a journey to save my daughter’s life. Noa  was 15 years old at the time.
When her doctors said farewell is near, , I agreed to set reason aside and embarked on exploring alternative healing therapies.  This is how I discovered  Bio-Orgonomy and how I treated and cared  for my daughter who, against all odds,  continued to live, free from pain and suffering for another 15 beautiful years.

In 2002  I started teaching Bio-Orgonomy,  and ever since then miracles and grace became inseparable part of my life. It is hard for the mind to grasp the changes, but the results speak with no words. Similarly to the way we don’t understand electricity to its fullest and yet, we enjoy its many benefits.

The poet Natan Zach wrote a beautiful sentence – “We all need Grace”. 
Since my journey with Bio-Orgonomy started more than two decades ago, with expanding my research, while treating, teaching and guiding others, I witnessed Grace many times and I realized Miracles do happen. 
When we are in physical or emotional pain, is our body signals us that we have strayed off our path. These signals are a great opportunity for healing and growth.             


I invite you to join the growing community of Biorgonomy around the world      

המכללה לביואורגונומי
 טלפון: 052-5304-778 | אימייל:
